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More About Us

Here to Treat You
Jonghyun Alex Han, L.Ac.


BringJoy Acupuncture was founded on the principle of holistic healing through various methods, both traditional and advanced. Jonghyun Alex Han is a licensed acupuncturist and herbal specialist, as he received extensive training from his father, Dr. Jae Sub Han, who has practiced traditional acupuncture in South Korea for over 50 years. Alex grew up surrounded by a family of doctors and has a mission to cure pain naturally while educating patients on the importance of maintaining a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

Our intake process includes a comprehensive patient review, designed to understand your unique health patterns and specific needs. All of our treatments are carefully designed to relieve your discomfort and help you live a happier, more pain-free life - we are here to bring more joy into your life. 

안녕하세요 한의사 한종현 입니다, 기쁨을 드리는 한의원, 브링조이 한의원을 찾아주셔서 감사합니다.

저는 한국에서 한의사로써 50년 넘게 환자를 돌봐오신 아버지로부터 전통 한의학을 전수받았습니다. 환자들에 대한 명확한 처방과 개개인에 알맞은 치료를 통해 만성통증은 물론 자가 면역 질환들을 비롯한 난치병, 중풍환자, 난임환자, 초기 치매증상 환자등 어려운 상황에 놓인 많은 분들이 건강을 되찾을수 있도록 애써왔습니다. 치료받으신 저희 환자분들께서 효과높은 침 치료와 한약 처방에 큰 기쁨을 전해 오실때 큰 보람을 느낍니다.

변함없는 정성으로 환자분들의 더 나은 건강과 삶의 질을 위해 노력하겠습니다. 

About Us: Our Clinic
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